Monday, May 15, 2006


52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(7)


12. Why would I want an ultraviolet light?
An ultraviolet light (UV) is used to kill the free-floating alga that passes through it. It will not have any effect on string algae that is anchored on the rocks and pond sides.

13. How are UV lights rated?
It is important to size the light properly. The degree of effectiveness is based on size, strength and length of exposure. There are feuds going on in the UV world because some report the strength of a new bulb versus others that rate their bulbs after they have already lost some of their strength. Don’t undersize the UV light. It is wasting money.

For more information about Pond and Fountain Pros, please visit our website at Pond and Fountain Pros.
Thank you!

Jim Wilder

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