Tuesday, August 29, 2006
52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(20)
Hiding the liner around the edges is one area where many pond kit instructions are very deficient. The most common way is to excavate our step around the pond about 3 inches below the intended water level. Often this shelf is 1 foot wide but this can be varied to fit the size of stone to be used. This shelf needs to be fairly level, within 1/2" inch. On the outside of the shelf, there needs to be dirt mounded up about 4 inches high. As the liner is put in the hole and on to the shelf it needs to drape over the ‘backsplash’. With this arrangement, we can fill the pond to about 2 inches above the shelf. This way, the bottoms of the rocks have their feet wet and there is no liner visible above the water line.
A common omission in pond kit instructions is this need for the liner to be vertical behind the rocks. If we did not have one, then we would not be able to have the rocks partly submerged without have water leak out from under the rocks.
There are other ways to hide the liner. Decks can be cantilevered over an edge of the pond. Care should still be taken to secure the line with the ‘backsplash’. Gradual slopes into the pond can be covered with gravel. This gravel should be buried to half its depth in mortar to prevent it from sliding into the pond.
For more information about Pond and Fountain Pros, please check out our website at Pond and Fountian Pros.
Thank you!
Jim Wilder
Monday, August 21, 2006
52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(19)
Putting in the liner is relatively easy if the pond design is not too complicated and the prep work has been done properly . Open the liner enough to check on the orientation of the roll. Place the liner on the side of the pond. With two or three people, unfold the liner over the pond excavation. If you need to move it from side to side, pick up the edge on the side where you want more material. We want to get air under the liner and not just drag it. All together now, pull the liner up to shoulder level three times. On the third time, gently pull the liner where you want it.
When the liner lies on the bottom of the pond, start pulling it down toward the middle until all the voids behind the liner are removed. It is not necessary to put water in the pond to get the liner to conform to the shape. We want a little slack in the liner. We don’t want the liner taut. Start on the middle of the long sides of the pond being sure the liner conforms closely to the shape of the hole but is not tight. Put a rock or two on each side to hold it in place. Do the same with the short sides.
The corners are a bit more difficult than the sides. You may want to trim off some of the excess in the corners but be sure not to trim off too much. We are going to make folds in the liner much like pleats in skirts. It is necessary to ‘read’ the liner to see where it naturally wants to have pleats. If you try to place them elsewhere, you will be fighting the liner. Start at the bottom and work up toward the top. All pleats should go up and down, not diagonally. In tight corners, there may be two or three pleats. Once you have the corner in place, put a rock or two on the liner to hold it in place. Once you have all four corners done, you may want to redo the first corner
For more information bout Pond and Fountain Pros, please check out our website at Pond and Fountain Pros.
Thank you!
Jim Wilder
Monday, August 14, 2006
52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(18)
I have seen gophers go through Permanlon but not through PVC of Hypolon. Another advantage of using Miri-Fi is that gophers don’t like it.
For more information about Pond and Fountain Pros, please check our website at Pond and Fountain Pros.
Thank you!
Jim Wilder
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(17)
23.What else do you to prepare the hole for the liner?
Preparing for the liner is very important. Once the hole has been shaped, carefully check for any sharp rocks or roots that are cut off and sticking into the hole. If you have to take out big rocks, you can back fill with clean, damp soil or mortar. We drape Miri-Fi (available at most places that sell rock and mortar; used in French drains) on the shelf and step sides. A 1/4” of sand can be placed on the shelf to hold it in place. You can also use duct tape. The bottom can be covered with sand and spread smoothly to fill any voids and corners.
Some people use old carpet, carpet backing or other materials. I don’t because of storage space and the off chance there is a stray staple.
For more information about Pond and Fountain Pros, please check our website at Pond and Fountain Pros..
Thank you!
Jim Wilder