Monday, August 21, 2006
52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(19)
Putting in the liner is relatively easy if the pond design is not too complicated and the prep work has been done properly . Open the liner enough to check on the orientation of the roll. Place the liner on the side of the pond. With two or three people, unfold the liner over the pond excavation. If you need to move it from side to side, pick up the edge on the side where you want more material. We want to get air under the liner and not just drag it. All together now, pull the liner up to shoulder level three times. On the third time, gently pull the liner where you want it.
When the liner lies on the bottom of the pond, start pulling it down toward the middle until all the voids behind the liner are removed. It is not necessary to put water in the pond to get the liner to conform to the shape. We want a little slack in the liner. We don’t want the liner taut. Start on the middle of the long sides of the pond being sure the liner conforms closely to the shape of the hole but is not tight. Put a rock or two on each side to hold it in place. Do the same with the short sides.
The corners are a bit more difficult than the sides. You may want to trim off some of the excess in the corners but be sure not to trim off too much. We are going to make folds in the liner much like pleats in skirts. It is necessary to ‘read’ the liner to see where it naturally wants to have pleats. If you try to place them elsewhere, you will be fighting the liner. Start at the bottom and work up toward the top. All pleats should go up and down, not diagonally. In tight corners, there may be two or three pleats. Once you have the corner in place, put a rock or two on the liner to hold it in place. Once you have all four corners done, you may want to redo the first corner
For more information bout Pond and Fountain Pros, please check out our website at Pond and Fountain Pros.
Thank you!
Jim Wilder