Tuesday, September 05, 2006
52 Tips for Selecting a Pond kit, Pond Construction and Maintenance(21)
27. What kind of rocks do you use?
Because we are in the business of building ponds and fountains, I feel particularly lucky to be living an hour north of San Francisco. My favorite is a native rock called Sonoma fieldstone. It has been used for buildings and rock walls since the time of early settlers. It comes in sizes from softball size to boulders weighing 20 tons. It is roundish, verses flat. The biggest attraction, beside it’s cheap, is that it is irregular shaped and covered on one side with moss and lichens. When used in a water feature, it looks like it is alive and has been there for a long time.
To see what kind of rock you have available may require a field trip to some building material handlers. The shape of the rock you pick is very important. Each type has its pluses and minuses in how it works for a pond and cascade. Round rock, like a river wash, are inherently not very stable as compared to flat stone. On the other hand, you may need multiple courses (layers) of flat rock to the height you need on the shelf.
For more information about Pond and Fountain Pros, please check out our website at Pond and Fountain Pros.
Thank you!
Jim Wilder